Highlight the transformation.
The headline is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of this page. If you can’t get them to relate, they will never make it to the rest of the page.
The button below skips to the buy now section of this page. To keep that feature, do not edit the URL link.
Show them the ‘pain’ that they are in now by not having this offer in their life.
Make a list of their pain points and top stressors. Outlining their struggles - those things that keep them up at night worrying -shows them that YOU get it.
Bullet point 1. Sales pages are usually the longest pages on a website but they still need to be skim-able to those lazy readers out there. Use bullet points in this section and bold the most important words or phrases.
Bullet point 2. Sales pages are usually the longest pages on a website but they still need to be skim-able to those lazy readers out there. Use bullet points in this section and bold the most important words or phrases.
Bullet point 3. Sales pages are usually the longest pages on a website but they still need to be skim-able to those lazy readers out there. Use bullet points in this section and bold the most important words or phrases.

Paint a picture of what life could be like after working with you. We like to do this as a bullet point list as well.
Try using words like; “just imagine” or “picture this” as the title of this section.
Just imagine if you could…
Bullet point here. You can make these phrases or a short sentence.
Bullet point here. You can make these phrases or a short sentence.
Bullet point here. You can make these phrases or a short sentence.
Bullet point here. You can make these phrases or a short sentence.
It’s easier than you think!
Use this section to ensure them that it is possible for them too. Tell them if it’s possible for [who] to achieve this, they can too.
NOTE: Don’t edit the button URL link if you would like this button to continue to jump down to the ‘buy now’ section of this page.

Name of Program
You could also put a picture of the program logo above instead of typing it out. Tell them a little bit about your program/offer here. Summarize what they get but ry to keep it around 2-4 sentences. Make it just enough that they want to read more.
We are different.
The truth of the matter is, there are other people out there that do what you do. Why should people chose you? What makes you different or unique from the other people they can buy from? Outline in bullet points (we always like peple to be able to skim!) what makes you different.
Why this program?
Bullet point 1. You can use sentences or phrases.
Bullet point 2. You can underline (cmd. ‘u’ on the keyboard) or bold important words. .
Bullet point 3. You can use sentences or phrases.
Bullet point 4. You can use sentences or phrases.

When you enroll in [Name of Offer]…
you don’t just get [what they tangibly get], you’ll also…
Learn [sum up what they learn]
Walk away with [fill in what do they get]
Continue to [what can they expect]
10 bite-sized modules
sections/modules/pillars…Edit the information below for the sections of your program or offer. If you don’t have this many sections or ‘pillars’ of your offer, you can delete the sections by clicking on each content block and clicking the trash can icon that appears.
Module 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec quam vitae odio pellentesque rhoncus. Praesent ut tincidunt arcu, et ultricies sem. Nunc lorem neque, ullamcorper id dolor et, pulvinar rutrum leo. Vivamus imperdiet magna quis arcu viverra eleifend. Vestibulum ornare viverra nisl, eget tristique diam imperdiet sit amet.
Module 2
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 3
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 4
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 5
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 6
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 7
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 8
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 9
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.
Module 10
Mauris ullamcorper luctus orci ultricies laoreet. Ut et finibus sapien. Mauris lobortis, lectus non porta tempor, est tortor tempus justo, vel placerat eros lectus sit amet metus. Integer sit amet pharetra metus. Maecenas tortor odio, rhoncus nec lectus malesuada, viverra auctor tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec at eros consequat, interdum nisi at, posuere dui.

What you get:
>> What your clients/customers get here
>> What they get here
>> Delete whatever lines of text you don’t need
>> or add more
This program starts at…

Early Bird Bonuses!
Write in more detail what this bonus includes. Try to keep it 1-2 sentences.
Write in more detail what this bonus includes. Try to keep it 1-2 sentences.
Write in more detail what this bonus includes. Try to keep it 1-2 sentences.

This is for you if…
In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Maecenas quis turpis ipsum. Nullam in iaculis arcu. Donec a dictum sem. Ut ultrices sapien ac aliquam facilisis. Duis ultricies augue tempus fringilla rhoncus. Fusce efficitur hendrerit iaculis. Donec non euismod ipsum. Fusce luctus id sem at laoreet.
Nullam in iaculis arcu.
Curabitur lacus mauris, dictum quis lacus a, pellentesque molestie odio. Phasellus cursus erat eget lorem finibus, eget mattis lorem consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer convallis, massa non tempor maximus, nibh nisl dictum lorem, sed gravida quam mi ut est. Mauris interdum felis eget quam commodo, sit amet facilisis orci ultrices.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Maecenas quis turpis ipsum. Nullam in iaculis arcu. Donec a dictum sem. Ut ultrices sapien ac aliquam facilisis. Duis ultricies augue tempus fringilla rhoncus. Fusce efficitur hendrerit iaculis. Donec non euismod ipsum. Fusce luctus id sem at laoreet.

Short bio + Image here
Quickly share a short paragraph about you that boosts your credibility and gets them wanting to read more. What are your achievements or credentials? What makes you great at what you do? What makes you stand out in your industry? You can list your top things here. Try to keep this to a short paragraph or two.
Get the scoop about the program
Want to find out how to do a dropdown accordion style FAQ? Check out this blog tutorial here. Just know a little coding is required for it, but we walk you through the whole thing.
What is a question people who are thinking about buying might have? Put the question here.
Put your answer to the question in this space. You will find that many people will ask the same questions or may be thinking the same questions. Try to get inside their mind and answer anything that might be holding them back from buying.
What is a question people who are thinking about buying might have? Put the question here.
Put your answer to the question in this space. You will find that many people will ask the same questions or may be thinking the same questions. Try to get inside their mind and answer anything that might be holding them back from buying.
What is a question people who are thinking about buying might have? Put the question here.
Put your answer to the question in this space. You will find that many people will ask the same questions or may be thinking the same questions. Try to get inside their mind and answer anything that might be holding them back from buying.
Ready to jump in?
Don’t wait another [amount of time] wondering/stressing/struggling with/about
[their biggest stressor] and [what they get from your program].